"Our constitution doesn’t differentiate based on race, gender or religion."
Dear Christian brothers and sisters, I greet you in the name of God the father, Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit, our Comforter and guide. As we tread into this next year, I am prayerful that God will continue to dwell in this place and that He will give us a deeper revelation of himself in our lives. Let us strive to grow in the knowledge, grace, and truth of Him.
MORE ARABICChristian work in Kuwait began in the year 1910 when the Arabian Medical Mission of the Reformed Church in America (RCA; opened a clinic in Kuwait, which was followed by a Men’s Hospital and later also, one for Women. As the income from oil began to increase, it soon made this ministry unnecessary, and the hospitals were closed in 1967.In the year 1967, there existed in the State of Kuwait ten Christian organizations in addition to the NECK . The National Evangelical Church in Kuwait (NECK), formerly called the Church of Christ in Kuwait consisted of three distinct language-based congregations.
MOREThere are historical proofs that Christianity existed in the Gulf countries as early as the third Century A.D. It is also recorded that Qatar was Bishopric as early as 225 A.D. and Bishops from Arabia attended the Nicene Council of Bishops. The Arabian Mission (American Mission) was formed in 1889 with the objectives of missionary work, education and medical care in the Arabian Peninsula. Arabian Mission missionaries visited Kuwait in 1900 and a Bible shop was opened in 1903 in Kuwait.
MORE" And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching."
Hebrews 10 : 24-25
We were created to be in relationship, not only with God, but with one another. When we gather and grow in our faith together, we experience life as God intended–in community.
We would love for you to be our guest.
PLAN A VISITإخواني و أخواتي المسيحيين, أحييكم باسم الله الآب و يسوع المسيح مخلصنا و الروح القدس معزينا و مرشدنا
و نحن نخطو في السنة الجديدة , أصلي أن يملا الله هذا المكان و أن يعطينا إعلان أعمق عن ذاته في حياتنا. دعونا نسعى أن ننمو في معرفته و نعمته و الحق الذي فيه. هل تصدقون ؟ إن الله الذي رأيناه يعمل هنا خلال السنين الماضية مازال لديه الكثير ليمنحه لهذه الكنيسة العظيمة ولشعبها
دعونا نشكر الله من أجل توفيره لمكان هادىء للعبادة و جو مقدس في قلب المدينة دون أي عائق. و نشكر أيضا صاحب السمو الأمير وسمو ولي العهد و السلطات الحكومية من أجل تعضيدهم المستمر لكي تستطيع الجماعات المصلية أن تستخدم مباني الكنيسة لمجد الله
أطلب منكم صلاة مستمرة من أجل خدمتي هنا. أصلي أن اله النعمة و السلام و الرحمة يسكن للأبد في بيوتكم و حياتكم و في كل قراراتكم. فلننظر دائما الى يسوع و نعيش منتظرين مجيئه, محبين بعضنا بعضاَ المحبة الأخويه و أن نخدمه بالروح و الحق, إعلموا أنكم جميعا أعزاء و أحبكم محبة تفوق الوصف. الرب يبارككم